
Monday, April 9, 2012

Is the WSJ following me?

Headline today in the Wall St. Journal:  "He wants to retire.. but she doesn't."
I wrote recently about Jack Malinowski and Deb Frazer, who seem to be negotiating this situation a lot better than the folks in the journal piece, most of whom didn't even want to be interviewed by the reporter. Even a friend wouldn't call her back. And, it turns out, there are "retirement coaches" who sound more like shrinks than financial planners.  Men retiring before their wives fear they'll be seen as "house husbands." Women who retire earlier like having the run of the house and don't particularly want their spouses rattling around. One couple had an issue over who made lunch (they ended up making their own lunches). A tip from the coach: get clarity on how much time you want to spend together -- and not together. And what you're retiring to, as opposed to what you're retiring from.

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